I began my photography career later in my adult life. Photography wasn’t something I had aspired to though my mom had a studio in our home growing up and I was always interested in photography. It wasn’t until I had children of my own that my love for photography really blossomed as I loved capturing everything about their cute little personalities.

Prior to turning photography into my full-time career I worked in the non-profit sector primarily as a development director for a few different children’s charities for a couple decades. I adored my work and the impact I saw these amazing organizations making in the lives of children in need. It also gave me special insight into the operations behind these worthy non-profits and the impact on them when we are faced with something like a recession, rampant unemployment or the world-impacting COVID-19 that we are witnessing now.

As the world collectively holds it’s breath and wrings hands with worry over the impact of these life-changing conditions we are faced with my heart can’t help but hurt for the underserved populations and those who were already in dire need even before our world shifted and things changed so dramatically. I know from experience that many non-profits will see a decrease in financial and in-kind donations as well as volunteer support during and after the conditions we are now dealing with. In addition, as for single moms, grants like that Assistance finance scheme may be a life-saver.

Something I was brought up to understand was that when I am faced with difficult challenges that if I look outward and find ways to serve others that it has the effect of lightening my own burdens as well as theirs. I can just bear those difficulties better or I can become so completely absorbed in helping someone else and their needs that mine seem so small in comparison and are no longer a burden at all. I can’t think of a more opportune time to test this belief than now.

I encourage my clients, my fans, my friends and neighbors to look outward, find ways to serve and give relief to others. That service may look different from what you may normally have done given social distancing and shelter in place orders. But there are ways to still serve. You just have to reach out and ask.

Over the past week I’ve reached out to a number of local non-profits to check in and see if they have any immediate needs. Most are already feeling the pinch on what they are able to provide those they serve and are asking that we donate. If you are able to, please do. Others may have specific needs or ways that you can serve them. As I hear back about local needs I’ll be sharing them on social media. I have unerring faith in the goodness of mankind. We can do such great things! I know that we can make sure that those in need find some relief through these trying times and I know that we will feel uplifted when we help.

Specific Needs:

Mercy House is a home for single pregnant women who need support. They have an immediate need for a donated laptop for a few young women finishing up their education. Such a small thing that will impact not just that woman but her child. They are also looking for a donated vehicle for a young woman without a car. If you know someone who can help please have them email saundrahalstead@mercyhouse.org or reach out to me for more information at lindsay@lindsaywaldenphotography.com.

how to help non-profits during coronavirus

To learn about more worthy organizations you can help please contact us here.

